VariantSeq: tutorial for usage with case study.
Tutorial with training material and procedures to manage server-side pipelines and workflows for characterization of Single Point Mutations and Indels using VariantSeq and the GPRO Server-Side

RNASeq: tutorials for usage with case study
Tutorials with training material and procedures to manage the pipelines and workflows for differential expression analysis and enrichment using RNASeq and the GPRO server side.

SeqEditor tutorial
Free tutorial on primer design with the GPRO Suite's SeqEditor. Download the files to run it by clicking here.

Tutorial RNASeq of comparative transcriptomics based on the species Sparus aurata
Tutorial with training material and procedures to manage the pipelines and workflows for differential expression analysis and enrichment using RNASeq and the GPRO server side.

Tutorial RNASeq for detection of pre-tumoral biomarkers using a group case study of Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia
Tutorial with training material and procedures to manage the pipelines and workflows for differential expression analysis and enrichment using RNASeq and the GPRO server side.