This is cutadapt 1.18 with Python 2.7.18 Command line parameters: -m 50 -o /home/rceprian/Projects/pipeline_mode/PMQDE_SE_2/02_CUTADAPT/ZFG-17-12_28_26358_S14_R1_001.fastq /home/rceprian/Projects/pipeline_mode/00_raw_data/ZFG-17-12_28_26358_S14_R1_001.fastq Processing reads on 1 core in single-end mode ... Finished in 51.24 s (3 us/read; 21.40 M reads/minute). === Summary === Total reads processed: 18,276,109 Reads with adapters: 0 (0.0%) Reads that were too short: 0 (0.0%) Reads written (passing filters): 18,276,109 (100.0%) Total basepairs processed: 932,081,559 bp Total written (filtered): 932,081,559 bp (100.0%)